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Paper Giant

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Careers at Paper Giant

About Paper Giant

PaperGiant a strategic design consultancy that helps organisations understand and solve complex problems.

We are a young, passionate agency that is guided by progressive values; social justice, equality and sustainability.

Our team is diverse and multidisciplinary, and includes people who have worked as coders, anthropologists, musicians and psychologists.

Our clients are a mix of public, private and not-for-profit organisations, including government at all levels, Victorian Legal Aid, ANZ, Scope Australia, Origin Energy and Medibank. We have been lucky enough to work on areas we care deeply about, including disability, refugee and asylum seekers, and education.

Our projects are a mix of strategic, service and customer experience design. We use design methods creatively, not just as a way to solve problem, but to open up possibilities.

We want to work with people who are curious, talented and driven to make a difference. Our culture is open, supportive and learning focused, and the company itself is an ongoing design project.

If you're up for doing great work and having a say in the direction of a young design studio, we'd love to hear from you.

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