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Drug, Chemical & Associated Technologies Association, Inc.

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About Drug, Chemical & Associated Technologies Association, Inc.

Founded in 1890, DCAT (Drug, Chemical & Associated Technologies Association, Inc.) is a well-established and highly respected association that provides DCAT member company representatives a collegial community to build their network of customers and suppliers, keep them engaged, and gain valuable industry knowledge to advance their business.

The DCAT organization hosts DCAT Week, the premier global event held each year in New York City for companies engaged in the Bio/Pharmaceutical manufacturing value chain. It is a multifaceted event where Member Companies can reserve meeting space through the DCAT organization to conduct high-level, private, strategic meetings with customers and suppliers. During the week, DCAT offers its members the chance to participate in unique and timely education sessions developed by their colleagues on DCAT’s volunteer committees and task forces. Additionally, members can attend various networking events, access member lounges, and take advantage of other opportunities to promote interaction between industry colleagues.

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