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Working remotely at Cloudsmith?
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Careers at Cloudsmith

About Cloudsmith

Cloudsmith, your friendly neighbourhood Package Management startup, is a fully-managed 24/7 Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) for securely storing, scanning, and sharing assets, packages, and containers. We have shipped millions of software packages for companies around the world and specifically help with: (1) development, for build pipelines and managing dependencies; (2) deployment, for delivery to servers; and (3) distribution, for helping vendors sell and distribute software.

Following a series of successful funding rounds, Cloudsmith is a VC backed startup, with support from investors, and customers from across the world. We need your help to continue our mission of being the world’s best choice for software storage and distribution, and this is an incredibly exciting opportunity to become part of the success story. You’ll be getting in on the ground floor as an early hire at the company. Our goal is to become Ireland’s next SaaS-based technology IPO, and we can get there together.

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