Tech Lead @Webicient
Software Development
Salary $42k - $48k
Remote Location
worldwide Worldwide
Job Type Full-time
Posted 2mths ago
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Tech Lead @Webicient

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About The Company
Webicient On a mission to simplify design, tech and digitalization

Webicient is a design & tech agency that helps companies solving challenges related to digitalization, design and technology. We see a world where design & tech are fast, simple and close at hand. We help everyday COO:s, CMO:s and CTO:s by providing different solutions such as graphic design, branding, software development, web developments etc. Through one simple plattform and one subscription, companies can access multiple competences resulting in companies saving time and money. We don't look at the product we build, but rather the problem our clients try to solve.


We are on a mission to simplify the concept of design & technology because we believe that every company can succeed, they just need the right tools. So join us on our journey to become the number one agency in the world for solving challenges related to design/tech/digitalization.

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Before You Apply
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Tech Lead @Webicient
Software Development
Salary $42k - $48k
Remote Location
worldwide Worldwide
Job Type Full-time
Posted 2mths ago
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This job listing is archived
Tech Lead This job listing is archived
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