iOS Developer @MirrorMe3D
Software Development
Salary $70K-$80K
Remote Location
worldwide Worldwide
Job Type Contract
Posted 2yr ago
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iOS Developer @MirrorMe3D

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About The Company
MirrorMe3D Results-oriented data for results-oriented surgeons.

MirrorMe is building the future of surgery beginning with a 3D platform that hosts any medical imaging and a mobile app that creates 3D patient scans, reducing the cost of personalized care across the globe and increasing the accuracy of planning and postoperative assessment. 


MirrorMe began with a simple question: what about the soft tissue? You see, we were founded by a reconstructive plastic surgeon that would do detailed planning for bony changes, but soft tissue--that is, the skin and everything you see when you look in the mirror--was left to deciphering small details in photos or just eyeballing changes as best as possible. 


But there's a better way with 3D scanning and visualizations. Mix in AR and you start to get actual patient data that can be used more reliably for planning and decision making. 


Because this is someone's face. Or someone's body. And whether they are being reconstructed from trauma or cancer, everyone, everywhere, deserves the best outcomes possible. 


Learn more about us by visiting our website or reach out to our team! 

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Before You Apply
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iOS Developer @MirrorMe3D
Software Development
Salary $70K-$80K
Remote Location
worldwide Worldwide
Job Type Contract
Posted 2yr ago
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This job listing is archived
iOS Developer This job listing is archived
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