Frontend Developer @Quinncia Inc.
Software Development
Salary $25k – $45k
Remote Location
worldwide Worldwide
Job Type Full-time
Posted 10mths ago
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Frontend Developer @Quinncia Inc.

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About The Company

Quinncia is a career readiness platform that improves college student outcomes by improving students' resumes and interview skills using our AI. Quinncia allows career service to scale their offerings allowing each student to get personalized feedback on their resume and interviewing skills. With over 60% unemployment or underemployment rate recently graduated students, our goal is to integrate career readiness into the academic curriculum and make sure every student has a job within 90 days of graduation.

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Before You Apply
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Frontend Developer @Quinncia Inc.
Software Development
Salary $25k – $45k
Remote Location
worldwide Worldwide
Job Type Full-time
Posted 10mths ago
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This job listing is archived
Frontend Developer This job listing is archived
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