Finance Manager @Catalyst Software
Finance / Legal
Salary $125k - $160k
Remote Location
🇺🇸 USA Only
Job Type Full-time
Posted 1yr ago
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Finance Manager @Catalyst Software

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About The Company
Catalyst Software Bringing Customer Success to the Center

Catalyst is the world’s most intuitive Customer Success Platform (CSP), and was built by an experienced group of industry leaders. Our software integrates with all of the tools that CS teams are already using to provide one centralized view of customer data. Customer Success Managers can subsequently take the right actions to prevent churn, increase product adoption, and align the entire organization on a unified workflow to manage customers throughout their journey. Catalyst helps organizations turn Customer Success into a company-wide mission. 

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Before You Apply
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Finance Manager @Catalyst Software
Finance / Legal
Salary $125k - $160k
Remote Location
🇺🇸 USA Only
Job Type Full-time
Posted 1yr ago
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This job listing is archived
Finance Manager This job listing is archived
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