Recruiter (Coaches + Staff) @IGotAnOffer
Human Resources
Salary 💸 $55k - $90k
Remote Location
remote in Americas Americas
Job Type Full-time
Posted 2yr ago
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Recruiter (Coaches + Staff) @IGotAnOffer

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About The Company
IGotAnOffer We help the most ambitious people land the most demanding jobs

IGotAnOffer is a coaching interview platform that helps professionals get a job at top companies like Facebook, Google, McKinsey, BCG, etc. Our coaches are all ex-interviewers with first hand experience of what it takes to get an offer.

Since getting started, we’ve helped more than 3,500 candidates get a job in consulting, product management, technical program management, software engineering, etc.

Tech interview coaching:
Consulting interview coaching:

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Before You Apply
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Recruiter (Coaches + Staff) @IGotAnOffer
Human Resources
Salary 💸 $55k - $90k
Remote Location
remote in Americas Americas
Job Type Full-time
Posted 2yr ago
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This job listing is archived
Recruiter (Coaches + Staff) This job listing is archived