HR Manager @Murmuration
Human Resources
Salary $70k - $100k
Remote Location
🇺🇸 USA Only
Job Type Full-time
Posted 9mths ago
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HR Manager @Murmuration

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About The Company

Murmuration is a nonprofit organization that amplifies the power of civic engagement by providing data, digital tools, and research-driven insights to community-focused organizations so that together we can create an America where everyone can lead healthy, free, and dignified lives.


Every day, people are trying to shape our future for the better. Fighting for water that’s safe to drink. Schools that serve students equitably. Gun laws that make sense. And rallying people who care like we do. And yet too often the skillful organizers working to mobilize communities lack access to technology that could supercharge their efforts. Knocking on every door instead of knowing which will open most easily. And going up against outside interests that have half the heart, but twice the tools.


In communities across America, Murmuration’s partners are leveraging our data, tools, and insights to help thousands of organizers orchestrate millions of individual people to do big things together. Demand big things together. To create the world they want. Together.

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Before You Apply
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HR Manager @Murmuration
Human Resources
Salary $70k - $100k
Remote Location
🇺🇸 USA Only
Job Type Full-time
Posted 9mths ago
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This job listing is archived
HR Manager This job listing is archived
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