Data Scientist @605
Data Analysis
Salary -
Remote Location
🇺🇸 USA Only
Job Type Full-time
Posted 11mths ago
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Data Scientist @605

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About The Company

We are engineers, analysts, data scientists, media experts, marketing strategists and political operatives. Our team of data scientists pioneered the field of TV data analytics. We offer unique, independent audience measurement and analytics to build better marketing and programming initiatives within the media and entertainment industries.

We believe in collaboration

We help some of the world’s most recognizable brands find their target audience, strengthen their campaigns, and measure their marketing ROI more accurately than ever before. When 605 is integrated into your strategic planning process, we become a partner, committed to achieving your vision. We combine our data with yours, because it only works if we work together.

Getting down to the details

We provide solutions using data-driven, census-based audience measurement. We solve challenges with comprehensive data and deliver actionable insights to programmers, brands and advertisers. We reach the edge of data and then dig further so that we uncover, analyze, understand the hidden truths, simplify the complex, and craft precise plans that drive better results.

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Before You Apply
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Data Scientist @605
Data Analysis
Salary -
Remote Location
🇺🇸 USA Only
Job Type Full-time
Posted 11mths ago
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This job listing is archived
This job listing is archived