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Business Travel Consultant @Clarity
Salary -
Remote Location
remote in UK UK
Job Type Full-time
Posted 3mths ago
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Business Travel Consultant @Clarity

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About The Company
Clarity Clarity serves as the bridge between tuition-funded K-12 schools and families seeking to find the best-fit educational environment for their children, regardless of a family’s financial means.We support access to independent and private K-12 school education by:Increasing awareness of the availability of financial aid and tuition assistance.Modernizing a historically complex process for obtaining financial aid.Our vision is to build a suite of tools that will make the option of a private school education more accessible to millions of families. The first step in this transformative journey is our new financial aid solution.
Clarity serves as the bridge between tuition-funded K-12 schools and families seeking to find the best-fit educational environment for their children, regardless of a family’s financial means.

We support access to independent and private K-12 school education by:
  1. Increasing awareness of the availability of financial aid and tuition assistance.
  2. Modernizing a historically complex process for obtaining financial aid.
Our vision is to build a suite of tools that will make the option of a private school education more accessible to millions of families. The first step in this transformative journey is our new financial aid solution.

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Back to Remote jobs  >   Business
Business Travel Consultant @Clarity
Salary -
Remote Location
remote in UK UK
Job Type Full-time
Posted 3mths ago
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This job listing is archived
This job listing is archived