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VITRU | International Executive Recruitment

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Careers at VITRU | International Executive Recruitment

About VITRU | International Executive Recruitment

NEC Corporation is a Japanese multinational information technology and electronics company, headquartered in Minato, Tokyo. NEC provides IT, telecom and network solutions, including cloud computing, AI, IoT platform, and telecommunications equipment and software, to business enterprises, communications services providers and to government agencies.
The global NEC Corporation – comprised of companies in 130 countries with more than 140,000 employees. The organisation has been in existence for over 100 years.
The NEC Group is focusing on leveraging its strengths in information and communications technology (ICT) to promote digital transformation to change our lives and businesses for the better, and to offer Solutions for Society that increase the sophistication of infrastructure systems and services that are indispensable to society.
The foundation of NEC is innovative, high quality engineering. It is ranked as one of the leading patent producers, inventing the technologies that are used by hundreds of high profile “big brand” manufacturers.

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