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Careers at Uplearn

About Uplearn

Our schools are broken. Teachers sacrifice real education for exam preparation, while students are left overworked and disappointed with their results.

Research from cognitive science has made profound progress into how students actually learn most effectively, but many schools continue to use ineffective, outdated learning techniques.

And technology is everywhere, but in education it’s often only used as a simple revision tool or classroom gimmick.

So we started from first principles: if you had one student in a room with a hundred world-class tutors and teachers, and unlimited resources, how would you use science to design the most effective educational experience, one that guarantees the student achieves an A* grade?

And then: how can we use technology to make that same educational experience accessible to everyone?

The result was Up Learn.

We use artificial intelligence and cognitive science to empower the world’s best teachers and ensure every student can achieve an A* grade - whatever their background.

Over 70,000 students have now signed up to Up Learn to take control of their learning. In the last two years, 97% of students who completed our courses achieved an A or A* in their final exams - with many starting from grades as low as Ds and Us.

And for every student who pays for an Up Learn course, we give a course free to a student who can't.

Up Learn is making the world’s most effective education available to everyone.

We’ve now raised over two and a half million pounds to create our next wave of A Level and GCSE courses, expanding our reach to 2 million new students every year.

We're looking for exceptionally smart people to join our team working to solve education.

If you're up for the challenge, we’d love to meet you.

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