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Get natural, clinically-dosed, and research-backed supplements to solve your hormonal issues and achieve Total Health and Hormone Optimization.

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11-50   employees

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About UMZU

At UMZU we look at health from a holistic perspective rather than the conventional way of reductionism. Instead of looking at symptoms and covering them with band-aids we go to the root cause of the issue and FIX the problem.

We're not just building a business, we're igniting a movement to change the way we all think about health. The health of the public should not be in the hands of corporations, it should be in the hands of the public, and we intend to put it there.


You deserve to thrive.

This is based on the metabolic theory of health. This philosophy states that energy creates order, and this order allows for structure to be created. When energy production throughout the system is functioning at its highest capacity the health of the organism is in a state that allows it to Thrive. In this state of energetic abundance, the individual is able to live a life of abundance and manifest the life that he or she is meant to live. From the perspective of the human body, this means alleviating micronutrient deficiencies and hormonal imbalances in order to allow energy production throughout the body to be at its highest possible capacity. We believe that everyone has the ability to do this, they just lack the tools that are necessary to get there. We provide the knowledge and resources available to achieve this state of health and keep it to live the life that you are meant to live.

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