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The Wonderful Company LLC, formerly known as Roll Global, is a private corporation based in Los Angeles, California.

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1K-5K   employees

@Wonderful company/the-wonderful-company

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About Teleflora

Who we are:

We strive to make The Wonderful Company true to its name through our mission to bring positive, multi-generational change to the communities we serve by leveraging our business acumen and hands-on approach to Corporate Social Responsibility. The purpose of our work is to disrupt the cycle of poverty in the Central Valley of California through a relentless focus on the social determinants of health with an unwavering commitment to helping the region's children grow up with better opportunities than their parents had.

Our Central Valley Health & Wellness programs provide completely free comprehensive onsite healthcare to our employees and their families. Our educational programs reach students across 165 schools throughout the Central Valley, with world-class academic initiatives that support them every step of the way, from cradle to career. And our active involvement in the heart of our communities brings infrastructure investments and youth and adult programming that helps build a more vibrant and sustainable society.

Our approach is unique, with our owners personally overseeing these efforts. We are deeply committed to bringing positive, multi-generational change to the communities we serve.

Our work also extends beyond the Central Valley. Giving back and leaving the planet better than we found it will be our legacy. To learn more about our programs and read our entire Corporate Social Responsibility report, click here.

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