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Careers at supply-house

About supply-house is an eCommerce company that provides high quality heating, plumbing, and HVAC products at competitive prices to consumers throughout the United States. We are passionate about providing an excellent experience to both our customers and our team members.

We encourage a fun, innovative, and unique working environment by incorporating team building initiatives into our work day. We also promote out-of-office events, and host silly contests and games throughout the year. We offer breakfast and lunch weekly and a fully stocked kitchen to make sure our team is fueled and focused. We also promote health and wellness by providing 100% employee health coverage.

Our open door policy encourages dialogue and allows for transparency and a greater sense of teamwork and community within the company. Each department holds a weekly meeting and the entire organization participates in a monthly town hall meeting where we hear from the president and other leaders in the company who inform us about the strategic direction of the company. Ultimately, we want everyone to feel empowered and encouraged to share ideas, provide feedback, and continue make SupplyHouse a positive place to work. Come join our team!


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