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Speech Graphics

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About Speech Graphics

At Speech Graphics we specialise in one of the holy grails of computer facial animation: automatic, accurate lip sync. Given audio, our task is to create the illusion that the animated face you see is the source of the sound you hear. This illusion is notoriously difficult to achieve: the movements of speech are fast, complex and subtle, and viewers are highly sensitive to any mismatch between the face and the voice. Our world-class pipeline incorporates powerful speech analysis and procedural animation techniques to achieve this illusion consistently, allowing animators to handle overwhelming demand for high-quality dialogue.

But Speech Graphics goes beyond good lip sync. Speech contains energy and emotion, and that too can be decoded from the voice and synchronised in the face. Using all available acoustic information, our algorithms drive not just the mouth but the entire face from audio input, from syllables to scowls.

With the success of Speech Graphics, our technology has been pushed out to a wider market through Rapport.

Rapport are building a fast-growing team of brand evangelists, scientists, engineers, designers, and doers who are focused on creating a positive future for human-machine communication. We solve hard problems and hold ourselves and our tech to a higher standard. We bring to life the physical manifestation of a brand, putting a face to the name. We are not your average “animation company”. We tackle every project with unbridled enthusiasm, promising to deliver the best experience--whether that be for internal employees, or enterprise leaders, customers, and clients.

Rapport’s Speech Graphics engine takes a voice stream and analyses the spoken and unspoken sounds in the audio to capture the emotions of the speaker and generate the metrics to animate a digital avatar. The engine can coordinate data streams with external speech-to-text, text-to-speech, and conversational AIs to create seamless, low-latency conversations in real-time.

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