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Careers at SparkMeter

About SparkMeter

SparkMeter is looking for people who are excited to come work for a company driven by a mission to enable access to electricity. Our work is highly dynamic and frequently evolving, a necessary response to the requirements of serving customers in emerging markets. We are posting new roles regularly. Please check back soon, and follow SparkMeter on Twitter for updates.

We Believe Diverse Teams Are Stronger Teams

SparkMeter's core value is opportunity: the opportunity for underserved communities to achieve great things. That's why our mission is to increase access to electricity in underserved communities - it is electricity and the services derived from it that unlock and create those opportunities. This value is reflected in our hiring ethos: we believe that the strongest teams have diverse backgrounds. Our approach to hiring has been validated by academic and industry studies that show that workforce diversity improves team and business performance. We encourage applications from members of groups currently underrepresented in engineering.

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