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Sight Partners

Northwest Eye Surgeons collaborates with your family eye doctor to achieve your best vision. Call to schedule a consultation with us today at 800-826-4631.

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About Sight Partners

Sight Partners is a local Management Services Organization that partners with ophthalmic and optometric practices to support growth-oriented, patient friendly practices. We strive to improve patients' access to eyecare and provide a positive experience and outcome. We partner with these teams throughout the Puget Sound area to provide our patients with the the highest level of care.

Our staff includes a nationally-recognized team of specialized ophthalmic surgeons and optometric physicians, with vast clinical experience in a wide variety of eye surgical services. They are complemented by Registered Nurses, Certified Ophthalmic Assistants and Technicians and support staff who make your surgery safe, comfortable and successful.

Our surgeons perform thousands of restorative and cosmetic procedures each year, including laser vision correction, corneal surgery, cataract surgery, vitreoretinal surgery, glaucoma surgery, laser treatments and more. We have earned a reputation for personal attention and successful outcomes, as well as the trust of our patients, referring doctors, their families and friends.

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