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Safesite and Foresight Insurance

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About Safesite and Foresight Insurance

Workers’ compensation insurance is stuck in the past. Every business needs workers’ compensation to some extent, but those that need it most are denied, ignored, or price-gauged. The workers on the tip of the spear — the ones actually assuming health and safety risk — deserve better pay and safety programs. Those workers shouldn’t have to compete with their employers’ insurance premiums for resources.

With the Foresight Group, they don’t have to. We take a data-driven approach to risk, which is more nuanced than antiquated rating criteria let on. We believe the positive effects of health and safety programs, and companies that are proactive should be rewarded with lower premiums. Foresight Group’s two subsidiaries Foresight Risk and Insurance Services and Safesite Solutions work hand in hand to deliver coverage that rewards companies that commit to safety. Using the Safesite Safety Score, Foresight policyholders can lower their rates through engagement in proven safe work activities which has a measurable effect on policyholders’ bottom lines.

Safesite is your free, easy-to-use digital safety solution for individuals and teams who want to collaborate, ditch paper, and improve safety. Get started with safety inspections, audits, and checklists by selecting from our template library. Then review your safety data and quantify team engagement in real-time with our powerful reporting and analytics dashboard. Over 4,000 companies trust the Safesite platform to streamline and ensure compliance activities, drive team safety engagement and empower every worker in their organization to be a safety champion. Learn more at and follow us at:

Foresight insures safety-critical businesses with the first technology-based workers' compensation program. An insurtech MGU specializing in the middle market, Foresight wraps its proprietary risk management software into every policy, improving safety engagement and reducing workplace incident frequency by up to 57%. With a digital submission process and in-app claims management and reporting, Foresight provides unrivaled value for brokers and businesses seeking safety and savings through technology. Learn more at and follow us at:

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