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Careers at QuintoAndar

About QuintoAndar

QuintoAndar is a Brazilian technology company that was created to simplify the lives of those looking for a new home. We are changing the real estate market with a pioneering business model in the world. We have a lot of talented people working to ensure that thousands of people around Brazil live better. Our team already has over a thousand people and we have offices in São Paulo and Campinas. Our product is now available in more than 20 Brazilian cities.


We value autonomy and collaboration - this has to do with our culture and the way we solve problems. We are a team aligned with our values and purpose of changing the way people live for the better. Here you will work with the best professionals in the market, from the most different regions of Brazil and countries around the world. We test and iterate a lot until we reach good solutions, which promotes an environment of constant innovation.

It doesn't matter where you come from, what you look like or what position you are in. We believe that the diversity of perspectives and experiences guarantee a better environment for everyone. We value this and encourage you to come and be part of the change in the housing market in Brazil.

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