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Careers at Proximie

About Proximie

Proximie is an award-winning, cloud-based, real-time communication platform that can virtually transport a surgeon into any operating room in the world, regardless of location, to remotely assist, mentor, or train colleagues. Helping scale surgical expertise regardless of location, from world-renowned hospital theatres to conflict zones.

The award-winning patented solution enables the effective transfer of clinical and surgical expertise using a simple, scalable, and secure (GDPR / HIPPA compliant) service. Overlaying AR features and machine learning services over a real-time communication feed to augment the delivery of surgical care and education.

Proximie requires low bandwidth and is easy to deploy, using commonly available hardware, including mobile. Founded in 2016 by Dr. Nadine Hachach Haram an NHS surgeon, Proximie is headquartered in London, with offices in Boston and Lebanon.

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