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Palo Alto Therapy

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About Palo Alto Therapy

Palo Alto Therapy (San Jose and Palo Alto Locations) is a growing, high-quality counseling center that is dedicated to providing an exceptional place to work for our therapists and deliver excellent mental health services. Our team provides incredible clinical support, professional development training, and takes care of all the marketing and business needs, so our therapists get to focus on doing THERAPY, not case management or paperwork! Our caseloads are full and our clients (children through adults) are awesome to work with. We help them overcome anxiety & depression related problems using evidence based therapy, with a focus on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Check us out and you will see the difference!

Comments from employees of Palo Alto Therapy

“The kindness and thoughtfulness of everyone at PAT has been something I’m not used to from past jobs. It’s been such a wonderful feeling knowing how much we all care about each other and are there for each other whether it comes to a busy day or just a hard day in general. I’m so thankful to work somewhere where the random acts of kindness are genuine and meaningful and people actually care. I can’t imagine working somewhere else just because of how caring and wonderful the staff is”

“I was so sad to leave Palo Alto Therapy (PAT). One of the greatest things about working at PAT was the invaluable learning opportunities. Ernie Schmidt was my mentor and opened up a whole new world of therapy techniques that I would not have learned without him and will never forget. He also taught me about the business side of building and maintaining a practice and made it look so easy, although now I know how much goes into it and how exhausting it can be. He is so dedicated to his practice, clients, and staff and was always available to help me whenever I was stuck with a client and also to provide me with support. The clients at Palo Alto Therapy were also great to work with and I learned a great deal from them as well. I will forever be indebted to Ernie and PAT will always have a warm place in my heart.”

“The kindness and thoughtfulness of everyone at PAT has been something I'm not used to from past jobs. It's been such a wonderful feeling knowing how much we all care about each other and are there for each other whether it comes to a busy day, a long day, or just a hard day in general. I'm so thankful to work somewhere where the random acts of kindness are genuine and meaningful and people actually care. I can't imagine working somewhere else just because of how caring and wonderful the staff is.”
“Palo Alto Therapy is a wonderful place to work. The therapists are friendly and energetic and make my work day fun. It is a team environment and Ernie reinforces every employee’s strengths and makes me feel good about the work I do on a daily basis. My tasks include but are not limited to answering phones, scheduling appointments, greeting clients, verifying insurance coverage for out of network PPO plans, creating invoices for clients so they can submit their payments to insurance, corresponding with clients and colleagues via email and mail, collecting payments and verifying that charges for all clients have been received and are up to date on a bi-weekly basis and other office related administrative duties.”

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