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Pacific Defense

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About Pacific Defense

Pacific Defense is designed to support the DoD’s disciplined movement to modular open standards and to mirror the way military services address EMS warfare – holistic mission planning and execution. The company’s approach inherently enables what it refers to as a rapid prototyping paradigm – embedding a commercial mentality into the defense industry. Products are designed from the outset for modern, AI-driven autonomy and CMOSS and SOSA-aligned hardware and software solutions. This includes state-of-the-art processing that can readily follow the evolution of commercial technology with complete data sharing across networks and platforms.

Headquartered in El Segundo, California, Pacific Defense takes an organic, commercial-minded approach to military-use electromagnetic spectrum technologies, and solutions. Focus areas include autonomous systems, command and control, communications, cyber operations, intelligence collection, and electronic warfare. Spectranetix, Perceptronics, and Spear Research are part of the Pacific Defense family, specializing in highly-advanced RF spectrum technologies, and engineering with innovative AI-backed algorithms.

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