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One Vet

Veterinary services and pet care for the modern pet parent

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1-10   employees

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About One Vet

At Petfolk, pet parenthood is as easy as a walk in the park. We considered all of the things we wanted for our own cats and dogs when they needed to see the veterinarian. We crafted in-person and virtual experiences that provide convenient, transparent, and stress-free care for pets and their people. We are transforming pet care by designing it around how people and their pets live today.

We reimagined the veterinary journey from the ground up with technology and design at the very center. We are forging connections through enhanced communication platforms, thoughtfully cultivated spaces, and genuine interactions. Our exceptional caregivers delight in delivering the highest quality pet care tailored to each pet and pet parent. With decades of experience in clinical practice, intentional platform design, and creating businesses that change the way people think about pet care, our founders are passionate about perfecting the journey for pets and people.

Convenience. Consistency. Collaboration. We understand that experience is everything - and it’s time to raise the bar. It is time to build a New Breed of Pet Care.

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