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Oncora Medical

Use real world data from past cancer patients to design treatments for better outcomes in the next patient. Our intuitive software is designed for oncologists to more efficiently and effectively manage the radiation treatment process for their patients...

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About Oncora Medical

About us:

Oncora builds software to help physicians and scientists collect and use real-world data to improve outcomes for cancer patients. We deploy machine learning algorithms in the clinical workflow to predict and prevent unplanned hospitalizations, understand survival, and mitigate disease recurrence. Our suite of software includes: a data capture system for oncology clinical care that integrates with EMRs, a semantic data warehouse to harmonize data from EMRs, cancer registries, and radiology software (PACS), and an intuitive patient cohort analyzer. In addition to our software products, we amass real-world, regulatory-grade oncology data and partner with leading biopharma  companies to design and execute modern clinical programs.

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