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Omnibiz Africa

Profile sample: We provide retailers with easy, fast and reliable services; Quality products at affordable prices. Register and shop now!

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51-250   employees

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About Omnibiz Africa

At Omnibiz, we’re fully dedicated to supporting local businesses and helping them navigate the modern market.
Over 52,000 businesses across the FMCG industry have trusted us to provide them with the services and necessary tools to overcome contemporary challenges in the market place. Why? The answer is simple - they believe the same thing that we at Omnibiz believe: for the global economy to thrive, local businesses must be given the grounds to grow.

As our adventure evolves, we will continue to support local businesses, provide retailers with the necessary tools to thrive in today’s market, partner with industry stakeholders, and relentlessly pursue opportunities to help Africa’s economy grow.

Our work has only just begun and although the current results are encouraging, we also realize that the road ahead is long and full of challenges. Regardless, we are excited about the opportunities that exist, the pathways we are creating, and the businesses we are building relationships with.

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