MishiPay (https://mishipay.com/) was founded in 2015 by Mustafa Khanwala (/in) and Tanvi Bhardwaj (/in), bringing the best of the online checkout experience to physical stores.
We do this with our Scan, Pay and Go experience. Using our native apps on Android or iOS, or our web app available on Chrome or Safari, shoppers scan the barcode on products they wish to buy in store using their own phone and pay within the app.. For the shopper this eliminates the time spent in standing in a queue at the till, having a more informed shopping journey and the convenience of digital receipts. For the retailer the benefits include a higher than average basket size, more throughput through the store and data and insights into shopper behaviour. The current Covid-19 crisis has given us another mission to keep retail staff safe whilst giving shoppers the confidence to return to High Streets and malls.
As the world’s leading Scan and Go provider as a third party application into retailers’ stores, we work with some of the world’s largest retailers including names like MUJI, Eroski, Flying Tiger, Dufry, Spar, Londis, Decathlon, Paradies US and many others. If you are looking for an incredible challenge that involves expanding into new markets, designing pricing structures and leading a team of committed and creative sales people to deploy Mishipay in 1000s of stores across the globe, then we’d love to hear from you.
We’re not like the other sites. Come see why!