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Kuecker Pulse Integration

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About Kuecker Pulse Integration

Created in July 2021 as a result of combination of Kuecker Logistics Group, PULSE Integration and QC Software by private equity firm Ares Management, Kuecker Pulse Integration (KPI) is a systems integrator that seeks out leading technologies within the areas of material handling equipment and information systems and combines them with proven design and operational strategies to help improve our customers’ operations. Our talented group of industry experts combine the powers of scalable material handling systems, innovative software and custom automation engineering for complete, unique solutions that help companies, across a broad spectrum of industry segments, become leaders in their industries. We are equipment agnostic, and our solutions incorporate leading technologies such as mobile robots, automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS), automated guided vehicles (AGV), goods-to-person technology, sortation, and conveyor. KPI currently has approximately 200 FTEs and $150m revenue with growth expected to double in size (at a minimum) in the next 5 years through organic and acquisitive activities.

KPI is backed by Ares Management. Ares Management Corporation (NYSE: ARES) is a leading global alternative investment manager operating integrated groups across Credit, Private Equity, Real Estate and Strategic Initiatives. They provide flexible capital to support businesses and create value for their stakeholders and within their communities. By collaborating across their investment groups, they aim to generate consistent and attractive investment returns throughout market cycles. As of March 31, 2021, Ares Management's global platform had approximately $207 billion of assets under management with more than 1,450 employees operating across North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and the Middle East.

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