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Use instamotor to find the best used cars for sale near you. The most trusted used car marketplace for local car buyers and sellers.

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About Instamotor

Instamotor is an online marketplace for individuals looking to sell their vehicle, as well as an online dealer delivering a convenient and transparent buying experience. Auto retail is a massive market and one of the last to be disrupted providing consumers the buying experience expected in today's world.

As an online dealer, we are focused on delivering an integrated experience that seamlessly flows from financing to vehicle selection to a familiar Amazon shopping cart checkout process with the vehicle delivered. Our customers can transact from wherever they want and whenever is convenient for them. No haggling, no trips to a dealer.

Our private seller marketplace is the most trusted way to buy and sell vehicles not involving a dealership. Over 10 million vehicles are sold each year by private individuals. We offer a safe and transparent marketplace that provides users peace of mind while saving hundreds or thousands of dollars. Our marketplace is free service for private sellers to list their vehicles.

Instamotor started in 2014 as a marketplace and we are currently expanding our strategy to encompass the 30 million vehicles sold each as a dealer. We are launching a unique 100% online vehicle buying experience and looking for new talent to join our mission of delivering a better way to buy a car. Our culture is very entrepreneurial taking prudent risks and always looking to innovate. We have adopted Ray Dalio's Principals to guide our management systems.

We look forward to hearing from and meeting you.

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