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We are excited to offer a wide range of gardening and hydroponic supplies from top brands like Current Culture, KIND LED lighting, Gorilla Grow Tents, Titan Controls and more! Our knowledgeable product experts are happy to help get you the right produc...

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Hydrobuilder Holdings has been formed through the acquisitions of, a leading online retailer of hydroponics and horticultural supplies, GreenCoast Hydroponics, the second-largest hydroponics retailer in the United States, and Los Angeles, Calif.-based Elevated Equipment Supply, full-service equipment and supplies provider for the commercial cultivation and specialty agriculture industries. More recently we have acquired Way to Grow, a Colorado-based retailer of aeroponic, hydroponic, and greenhouse products as well as Home Grown Ventures (HGV) Nutrients, a Washington state-based manufacturer and distributor of a proprietary blend of water-soluble nutrients used for commercial agriculture. Together the five businesses create a leading omnichannel retailer of specialty agriculture and hydroponics equipment and supplies.

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