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Forum Brands

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About Forum Brands

Forum Brands is an early stage startup building a technology-enabled platform of category-leading ecommerce brands. The company is taking an innovative approach to brand-building in the direct-to-consumer sector by acquiring the highest quality, independently owned products currently sold on 3rd party marketplaces (e.g., and applying domain expertise, operating infrastructure, and a passion for improving the lives of the everyday consumer. The founding team of Brenton Howland, Ruben Amar, and Alex Kopco bring a differentiated set of collective experience across e-commerce, consumer brands, management consulting, and technology and marketplace investing. Together, they are executing on a strategy that is uniquely positioned to quickly capture significant share within the $3.5 trillion global market for digital retail sales.

Forum is backed by NFX, a leading marketplace and ecommerce venture capital firm, Concrete Rose, and a set of world-class consumer and technology operators. We are actively building out a group of self-starters that are hungry to join at the ground floor of a potential billion-dollar business.

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