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Careers at Droplette

About Droplette

Droplette is a technology company revolutionizing the skincare industry with its breakthrough device. We are driven by the belief that technology has the power to improve health and wellness, and we are dedicated to creating products and solutions that improve upon the way things have always been done, starting with skincare.

Traditional topicals can only do so much. The Droplette device and capsules use our enhanced aerosol technology to deliver active ingredients under the skin - where they can actually work.

Droplette was founded in 2017 by two MIT-trained engineers. Over the past 3 years, we have developed the technology and formulations that address consumers’ most common skin concerns. Today, we are a diverse set of domain experts--ranging from engineers and biologists, to dermatologists and skincare industry veterans-- dedicated to helping our customers achieve their skin care goals. #dropletteskin

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