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Descartes Underwriting

#InsurTech at the forefront of #datadriven #riskmodelling and transfer, we empower businesses to build #resilience in the face of #climatechange.

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11-50   employees

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About Descartes Underwriting

WHO WE ARE | Descartes Underwriting is an InsurTech founded in 2018 by seasoned insurers and entrepreneurs. We are structured as an Underwriting Agent, underwriting risks on behalf of a selected number of first-tier (re)insurers and Insurance-Linked Securities funds. Our team works exclusively with brokers to provide data-driven, parametric policies that protect businesses and governments against climate risk and Nat Cat exposure. Today Descartes’ ambitious and multicultural team of 35 is based in Paris, New York, Houston, Singapore and Sydney. We are proud to be financed by BlackFin Capital Partners, Serena Capital & Cathay Innovation.

OUR PURPOSE | Losses from catastrophes and man-made disasters are likely to increase year after year due to demographic density and climate change. We firmly believe that the insurance sector can and must play a critical role in helping enterprises and individuals cope with climate risk. This will require, however, a deep transformation of the sector, as current insurance products often lack transparency, carry expensive premiums, and come with slow claims processing.

OUR APPROACH | True to our namesake, René Descartes, one of the greatest European scientific philosophers of the 17th Century, our company draws a distinct advantage in challenging the approach adopted by traditional insurers. We are driven by the conviction that new technologies can deeply change the insurance sector; delivering superior customer value, frictionless claims management, and optimized solutions for emerging risks. Utilizing forward-looking models and real-time monitoring from satellite imagery, IoT and big data analytics, Descartes’ products help businesses bounce back faster. In collaboration with our partners, our parametric policies can serve clients across the globe, and in the European Economic Area alone, we have the capacity to underwrite EUR 75 million per deal.

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