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Code BGP

Simplify BGP operations

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About Code BGP

Code BGP is a startup that descends from ARTEMIS, a state-of-the-art open source software for accurately detecting and mitigating BGP hijacks in real-time. The founders of Code BGP are among the researchers who showed for the first time that BGP hijacks can be accurately detected and mitigated within a few seconds from their origination. The ARTEMIS software was released in Dec 2018 and is presently used by some of the largest Internet Service Providers to protect their networks from BGP hijacks.

Code BGP was founded to provide commercial-grade solutions at scale for network operators worldwide. We focus specifically on BGP security, visibility, and automation. Our mission is to provide highly innovative solutions that simplify BGP operations based on open source and proprietary software, making the Internet more robust and efficient. We aspire to disrupt the BGP security, visibility and automation landscape. Code BGP has branches in the US and the EU. It is founded by people with more than 20 years of experience in designing, deploying, and researching innovations for improving BGP operations.

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