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Christensen O'Connor Johnson Kindness PLLC

Serving national and international clients in all areas of intellectual property law, including patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets and licensing.

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51-250   employees


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About Christensen O'Connor Johnson Kindness PLLC

Christensen O'Connor Johnson Kindness PLLC (COJK) is a Seattle-based intellectual property law firm providing legal services in all areas of intellectual property, including patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, licensing, and litigation. COJK was founded in 1929, and has established itself as one of the Northwest's premier IP law firms.

The attorneys at COJK are committed to seeking and delivering strategic advantages for a wide range of clients, including worldwide industry leaders in entertainment, software, consumer goods, toys and games, life sciences, medical devices, semiconductors, food services and processing, telecommunications, and pulp and paper.

COJK's diverse, collaborative and dedicated team of attorneys and paralegals provides comprehensive representation to enhance the long-term market value of clients' intellectual property assets.

COJK maintains a strong global network of IP law firms, and patent and trademark offices, to ensure the best legal protection for clients, domestically and internationally.

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