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Cantieri Digitali Medtech

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About Cantieri Digitali Medtech

Cantieri Digitali Medtech is seeking a Software Engineer to join its Tech team. Our team has a passion for developing customer-friendly software that have significant social impact for our patients.

We are an innovative startup with a social mission, both in the products we build and the way we work. We specialize in developing medical digital ventures with the goal of providing top quality treatments without patients needing to go to a hospital, especially at a time when no one wants to go to the hospital..

To date, we have had an excellent response from both the patients we treat and the partners we work with, including our investors. All of this has given us the strength and financial resources to be able to invest in growth. That said, we are truly at the beginning of an adventure that is as promising as it is complex, in fact we just raised our seed round. We want to expand our presence, hand-in-hand with hospitals and outpatient clinics. From our point of view there is no doubt that in a few years the "norm" will be to access diagnostics and medical treatments at home and/or online..

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