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Attune Nutrition

Attune Nutrition is a body positive nutrition therapy practice in Seattle, WA. We specialize in eating disorder recovery, intuitive eating, and body image healing. Currently offering telehealth.

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Careers at Attune Nutrition

About Attune Nutrition

  • Are you a dietitian or nutritionist who would LOVE to work with motivated eating disorder clients in an outpatient setting, but don’t want to open a private practice?
  • Are you passionate about practicing nutrition counseling from a Health at Every Size and non-diet lens, but don’t want to deal with billing insurance and the logistics of running a business?
  • Are you interested in working from home, creating a flexible schedule, and a better work/life balance that jobs at traditional hospitals and treatment centers don’t offer?

Attune Nutrition is a private practice seeking experienced dietitians and nutritionists in Washington who specialize in eating disorders to join our team! We are currently expanding to meet the growing need for weight-inclusive outpatient eating disorder treatment in Washington.

This position is fully remote using a secure telehealth platform with clients that are typically seen weekly or bi-weekly. Clinicians need to be available to see a minimum of 12 clients per week and can build their caseload as desired. We are interested in candidates who are confident in building therapeutic relationships with adolescent and adult clients over telehealth. Opportunity to work in our Seattle office will be available in 2022 if desired.

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