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Careers at Atrium

About Atrium

We started with a simple question: What do campus card directors and administrators need in a modern card system? What would make your life easier? What would save you money, but still provide a better experience for your students?

We formed a Customer Advisory Board, including card administrators and industry leaders, from institutions large and small, and engaged them in discussion. They told us they wanted an intuitive user interface, accessible anywhere, anytime. They asked for robust reporting, with point and click tools. They sought security, 100% availability and personal service from seasoned card industry professionals. They were under pressure to do more for less, and provide an improved experience for students.

We came up with a campus card management solution with the functionality of traditional systems… re-imagined for the future. Atrium was born.

Atrium is powered by JSA Technologies, renowned for personalized service from seasoned card administrators. Atrium is an extension of proven card system technology in use today at over 100 of the nation’s leading universities and colleges. Atrium technology has securely processed over $2B in financially sensitive transactions since 1998 without incident and is used today by over 1.4 million students.

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