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Providing assessments, masterclasses & certification programs to help individuals, teams and organisations adapt quickly to our ever changing world of work.

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About AQai


To inspire & empower every human with the skills to adapt and thrive. Ensuring no one is left behind in the fastest period of change in history. Transforming the mental health and wellbeing of 100M people by 2030.

Guiding the way people successfully navigate the future of work and careers, by measuring and improving adaptability, at speed and scale. Delivered through a unique, personalized conversational AI user experience, and pioneering training programs


Building a platform and apps to enable AI-driven AQ assessments

and personalized coaching, at speed and scale.

Achieving THE globally recognized - ‘AQ Index’.


We empower coaches, consultants, and leaders, who champion human-centered workforce development.

Building a platform and marketplace to enable AI-driven AQ assessments and certifications, with truly personalized, democratized, on-demand coaching.

We are building an Adaptability (AQ) movement. To ensure no one is left behind in the fastest period of change in history. This is what we care about, and if this significantly resonates with you, it’s highly likely we will get on! We are building the globally recognized Adaptability Quotient benchmark - The AQ index, and the world-leading Adaptability Certification. We are laser-focused on transforming the way people and organizations successfully navigate -- and adapt to change.

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