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Alpha Industries Inc.

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Careers at Alpha Industries Inc.

About Alpha Industries Inc.

Since 1959 Alpha Industries has designed and sold high quality, military-inspired outerwear that remains true to its heritage. The authenticity of the brand’s top styles, the MA-1 Flight Jacket and the M-65 Field Coat, was born of purpose as a result of the first contracts awarded by the U.S. Department of Defense over 50 years ago. Even today both styles, among many others, have kept Alpha Industries at the forefront of military fashion offering new fits, silhouettes, colors, and detailing. Available in department stores, specialty shops, and fashion retailers around the globe, Alpha also collaborates with top brands and designers. We operate with a start-up feel but rooted in a strong brand history. For more information, visit

Alpha Industries offers a casual, family-friendly work culture that promotes inclusivity and collaboration.  You’ll be joining a passionate team that works to drive our brand mission and to ensure Alpha continues to evolve into one of the pioneers in military fashion for the gen z and millennial customer.

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