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Careers at Alexander-Dennis

About Alexander-Dennis

More than half of the buses that you see on the roads in the UK are made by Alexander Dennis. Globally, there’s over 25,000 people every minute, of every day using our products. That’s a lot of responsibility we have for keeping the world moving.

At Alexander Dennis we design, engineer, build and support the widest range of market leading buses and coaches using low, ultra-low and zero emission technologies. We have extensive experience in vehicle supply and support across Europe, Asia Pacific and North America, with a near 50:50 revenue split between UK and international markets.

We are excited about the opportunities arising from the global push for lower pollution and better air quality. The UK Government as well as many others around the world have committed to aggressive but achievable decarbonisation agendas and at Alexander Dennis, we are ready to deliver the green buses needed to transition to cleaner transport.

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