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ADGA Group Consultants Inc

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About ADGA Group Consultants Inc

Founded in 1967, ADGA is a privately owned and operated Canadian company. We employ over 700 highly skilled team members who apply their knowledge and expertise in service delivery of advanced technology solutions for clients in the Defence, Security and Enterprise Computing markets across Canada. Celebrating over 50 years in business, we are proud to be one of Canada’s most trusted professional engineering and consultancy firms. Our clients continue to rely on ADGA to provide subject matter expertise, and quality talent to fulfill their business objectives. We have done so successfully by anticipating and responding to the constant changes in technology, and evolving with agility. Our culture of commitment, trust, and accountability guides our business, fosters our growth, and is at the core of our relationships with clients, employees and consultants. Whether your projects are complex, large-scale requirements, or dependable, professional resources to execute on time, and on budget, you can count on ADGA to deliver. We are dedicated to your success.

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