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ADB Interests LLC

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About ADB Interests LLC

ADB Innovations is a multi-national, CPG, and direct to consumer company operated by Ashley Black.

Most famous for the FasciaBlaster and related suite of products, people all over the world have been experiencing amazing body transformations, from cellulite reduction to pain relief and mobility improvements. One of the fastest growing companies, they boast the largest women's only, closed-facebook group in the World, with a loyal following of 350K+, many of whom experienced life altering results.

Ashley Black is an Inventor, Best Selling Author, fascia pioneer, and media personality. She is an expert in fascia and has a personal client book comprising the world's biggest influencers. In sports, she's treated everyone from hall-of-fame MLB players to NFL athletes and Olympic runners. In the Hollywood world, Black is known for her astounding transformations for actors in movie roles. She also works to prepare supermodels for shows, actors and actresses for red carpet events and de-stresses studio heads and production executives.

Ashley lectures in the educational and business sectors and is guest appearing as a health expert in TV, radio and print. Ultimately she took the technique's used on her elite clients and packaged it into a self-use kit with content to enhance its effectiveness. She runs her own e-commerce, direct to consumer channel, and has a combined social media follow of over 5M.

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