We do track visits on your public job listing page!

Where can I find my job analytics?

You will find your job analytics on your job dashboard page. Learn how to access your dashboard.

This is how it looks:

Your Job Analytics

What do those numbers mean?

Job analytics is a measure of the visibility that your job listing gets on Remotive.
It does not measure actual applications; those are sent to you directly via the application link/email. Learn more about how to include a tracking for your remote job.

In short, Remotive redirects applicants to you and does not collect any applications.

👀 Page views on Remotive

Page views on Remotive indicate how many times your jobs listing has been displayed on screen through Remotive.

Remotive displays your job listing in several places:

on our website, on your job public detail page

Job displayed on detail page

on our website, on the landing page, your job can be fully unfolded

Job unfolded on the landing page

on Google for Jobs

we also distribute you job listing to other job boards through our public API

Views through all those channels are included in the number of page views.

✅ Clicks

When you job listing is displayed on our website, applicants see a button to apply.

Here is how it looks on our landing page:

Apply button on landing page

And here is how it looks on your job listing page:

Apply button on job detail page

Clicks on the "Apply" button is a feature that measures how many times the "Apply" buttons in the Remotive job ad were clicked.

When applicants click the Apply button, they are redirected to your page following the URL you provided when posting the job.

It does not count how many actual applications you may have received. Applicants apply directly to you - not through Remotive. Therefore Remotive cannot track how many applications you received. The number of clicks does not imply an equal number of applications in your inbox or ATS.

Any questions? Send us an email.

Updated on: 11/11/2022