When you posted your job, we sent you a confirmation email. Look for an email with the subject "Congratulations on hiring with Remotive!" sent by “Remotive Doge < [email protected] >”.

Screenshot of our welcome email

By clicking on "Access my listing", you’ll access your job posting portal:

Manage your Subscription from your Dashboard

Download your sale order and invoice(s).
Cancel your subscription: This will cancel the auto-renewal. You will not be charged anymore. Your job will stay live until the end of the previously paid 30 days period.
Manage job listing: Open your job details and manage your job listing.
Post another job: This will redirect you to a new job posting form with your company details pre-filled.

Click "Manage job listing" to manage your job listing details:

Manage your Job listing from your Dashboard

Edit listing: Edit your job title, description etc.
Manage my Subscription: Takes you back to your subscription page.
Unpublish Job & Cancel Subscription: This will both take your job down and cancel the auto-renewal of your subscription. You will not be charged anymore. Your job will be unpublished. However, you can republish it until the end of the previously paid 30 days period.
Post another job: This will redirect you to a new job posting form with your company details pre-filled.

Any questions? Email us. 👋

Updated on: 12/07/2023