This is Remotive's round-up of remote work & productivity tips.

December 7, 2020

I'm getting ready for my holiday shopping. I'm excited to check out more office gadgets from my home office!


Our Favorite Articles πŸ’―

> The Ultimate Guide to the Best (Yet Boring) Home Office Gadget Gifts - I'm thinking about getting one of those ring lights... Should I?

> Welcome to Homeownership - An interesting tale of how it feels to hop from renting in a city to owning a house.

> The Great Dispersion - Here's a clever perspective of how the US may change post COVID.

> Reflecting on 10 Years of Building Buffer - Buffer has been a remote work pioneer, amazing to read how much they did in 10 years!

This Week Sponsor πŸ™Œ

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Remotive Jobs πŸ’Ό

Check out our job board, listing 1,664 remote jobs.

> Looking for a remote job? Register your seat for our next webinar happening tomorrow.

> Discover Remotive Community: 1,718 members await...

> Companies, find your next hire on Remotive.

About Remotive

We help tech professionals land remote jobs.

PS: Check out our friends at Oyster, they are hiring 11 new remote workers!

Looking to sponsor Remotive? Please email, most of Q1 2021 is already booked.

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