June 17, 2024

Hello, Remotive peeps! Whether you're just starting your remote career or dreaming of working abroad, we've got you covered. Check out our top reads this week: career tips, digital nomad advice, and even a quirky IKEA job in Roblox! And if you need a quick laugh, check out ​Laura's Instagram reel​.


Our Favorite Articles 💯

🏠 ​What to Know About Starting Your Career Remotely​ (HBR) ~ Great tips for anyone starting a remote job. Also helpful for veteran remote workers.

🎮 ​IKEA Wants To Pay Real People To Work In Its New Store Inside Roblox Game​ (CNN) ~ And it's a fully remote role!

✈️ ​How To Move Your Career Abroad​ (CNBC) ~ A digital nomad shares practical tips: plan, research visas, network online, and embrace flexibility.

🌟 ​The Charismatic Aura, The Glowing Tan, And Other Amazing Items Seen On Resumes​ (AskManager) ~ Consider rethinking that quirky CV intro...

This Week's Sponsor 🙌

Borderless, the newsletter for global citizens.

Every week, the SafetyWing team handpicks the most interesting, weird, and wacky goings-on in the worlds of nomads, remote workers, and expat communities. Whether you’re in Bali or Bucharest, Borderless is designed to help you navigate the quirks of working on the internet and living across borders. ​Subscribe now​.

Remotive Jobs 💼

Is this job for you?

👉 ​Content Writer​ at ProWriterSites (Worldwide)

👉 ​Senior Fullstack Developer (Next.js+React.js)​ at Proxify (CET +/- 3 hours)

👉 ​Senior DevOps Engineer (AWS)​ at Proxify (CET +/- 3 hours)

👉 ​Senior Independent UX/UI Designer​ at A.Team (USA & Europe timezones)

👉 ​French, German or Mandarin online teachers (night shifts)​ at AE Virtual Class (Americas)

Work with Remotive 🤝

We help tech professionals land remote jobs. Companies, find your next hire on Remotive.

Looking to sponsor Remotive? Please reply to this email, slots still available for Q3&4! 😀