[Interview] Nicole Raymondi, Founder at Quotiful

Every week, we share the story of an inspiring Remote Worker and Remotive reader, here is Nicole's story:

1.- Can you please tell us a bit more about: Who are you, and what do you do? :)

I'm a Brooklyn based marketer, designer, and entrepreneur. My passion project turned startup is Quotiful, an app that's changing the way we discover quotes and stay inspired.

I've always had a deep appreciation for quotes and the ways in which they can alter perspectives, change attitudes, and influence your mood.

I have a lot of favorite quotes, of course, but the one I always find myself going back to is a quote by author Emile Zola that says, "If you ask me what I came into this life to do, I will tell you; I came to live out loud."

2.- Why do you work remotely, and how does it feel?

I've always been one to take the nontraditional route in life and the idea of sitting at a desk 9-5 on someone else's watch never really appealed to me.

I have my best ideas and stay the most motivated when I have the freedom to work when I choose. Working remote has also allowed me the freedom to hire great talent from anywhere, which is so important when you're building a startup.

Competition for programmers, designers, marketers, etc. can be really tough in NYC but the flexibility of a remote position opens up a lot of options that wouldn't normally be available to a small growing company.

Lastly, from a personal standpoint, working remote has changed my health for the better - allowing me to get to the gym more regularly and plan healthier meals - which in turn help my productivity and ultimately my company!

3.- What software do you use?

There are so many great software systems out there for startups right now. One of the biggest and most recent additions to our suite of tools has been Slack.

It's so easy to communicate with my team from anywhere through Slack and I love that I can easily answer from my phone through the app. It allows for both private and group conversations so it really helps to declutter my inbox and channel conversations around the right topics.

As a designer, I've also just recently made the switch from Photoshop to Sketch for prototyping and app design. It's been a huge time saver and has a much kinder learning curve than any of the Adobe design products.

If you're just getting started in mobile or web design, I would definitely recommend it. Added bonus, its a fraction of the cost compared to Adobe products!

4.- What would be your dream setup?

I'm increasingly trying to make my "office" more mobile so my dream setup would include an environment that's always changing.

It would be amazing to have the ability to work from a different part of the world on a regular basis and live the nomadic entrepreneurial lifestyle of people like Jay Meistrich!

Oh, and the new gold Macbook couldn't hurt either.

Thanks Nicole! You can find Nicole on Twitter over here :)

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