[Interview] Kate Kendall, CEO at CloudPeeps

Every week, we share the story of an inspiring Remote Worker and Remotive reader, here's Kate's story:

1.- Can you please tell us a bit more about: Who are you, and what do you do? :)

I'm a British-Australian entrepreneur and writer based in San Francisco.

I'm the CEO and co-founder of CloudPeeps and also created The Fetch. I started out as a business journalist, then led digital at a magazine company before working in startups for the past five years. I love change, travel and helping people.

2.- Why do you work remotely, and how does it feel?

Growing up, I always had this feeling that I never wanted to work in a traditional office. In fact, I became a founder because I feared working set hours in an office cubicle so strongly. I always felt like I could achieve more getting out there and that sitting in an office was a waste of time.

Working remotely creates freedom for different working styles, environments and allows people to focus on productivity. Remote teams are built on trust, communication, output and impact – it's less about politics or personalities.

While there's a lot of responsibility in managing yourself, health and time, I love remote work because I can concentrate on simply shipping good work wherever I am.

3.- What software do you use?

I feel like there's become a very common startup stack for remote teams so this response might be less interesting.

We use an insane amount of cloud services: Slack and Google Apps for everything, Asana and Trello for project management, Github, Heroku, AWS and Bugsnag for development, Help Scout for happiness and our knowledge base, Xero for accounting, Buffer for social media posting and analytics, Campaign Monitor and SendGrid for email, Justworks for payroll, Stripe and Paypal for payments, 1Password for password collaboration, Baremetrics for Saas analytics, HelloSign for legal signatures, Twitter Bootstrap for easy prototyping, and so on.

4.- What would be your dream setup?

My dream setup is just about to happen! After two years in New York, I've just moved into an apartment in San Francisco with a super sunny bay window.

I've also just started using an UHD monitor so excited to see its impact. I also like mixing working from home up by dropping in to coworking spaces and booking a Breather space for IRL time with my team.

Thanks Kate! You can find her on Twitter over here :)

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